It’s been a long year but it finally looks like we’ll have something to celebrate this spring. And as pubs and restaurants re-open, the race is on to create attractive outdoor spaces.
Hanging baskets, planted troughs and floral containers are go!
At phs Greenleaf, we know that hospitality venues have taken a huge financial hit from the enforced coronavirus closures and are understandably keen to welcome back customers. To appeal to as many patrons as possible, and help them to part with their cash, pubs are under pressure to spruce up their beer gardens in preparation of what will hopefully be their busiest season ever.
Time is of the essence - outside opening in England looks likely to be 12th April with pub gardens in Scotland and Wales expected to open their gates a couple of weeks later- so, it’s time to recruit the help of the specialists to glam up your exterior in time for the big re-opening. phs Greenleaf has all of the experience, skill and plants to keep your premises looking fabulous throughout spring and on into summer.
Planting Ahead For The Spring Opening
First impressions count and with everyone having been stuck indoors for such a long time we’ll all be looking for the nicest, brightest, well-kept spaces to take advantage of our new freedom. With over 25 years of experience in maintaining business exteriors and commercial grounds, phs Greenleaf is the ideal choice. Partnering with publicans and facilities managers, we’ll help you choose the best plants to create a venue where customers want to spend their time and their cash.
Our nationwide service provides award-winning plants and displays along with watering systems, optional maintenance and replanting. Other than choosing the colour scheme, you won’t have to lift a finger, allowing you to direct your attention to keeping customers happy with food and drink while they spend long-overdue time with friends and family in your pub garden.
One of phs Greenleaf’s well-practised account managers will coordinate every part of the process from the initial site survey to installation by our expert technicians. Their horticultural knowledge will allow them to recommend blooms that best suit the climate and typical weather conditions as well as complement your colour scheme. As a member of the British Association of Landscape Industries (BALI), you can be sure that phs Greenleaf will consistently meet the highest standards.

Vibrant Colours To Lift Everyone’s Spirits
While the nation has been in lockdown, phs Greenleaf has been busy preparing a huge variety of plants and hanging baskets at our nurseries. This enables us to offer a fantastic range of high-quality flowers and shrubs to brighten up the exterior of your premises, instantly.
The beautiful blooms that we use to fill our baskets and troughs include UK favourites, such as Petunia, Surfinia, Geranium, Helichrysum, Fuchsia, Begonia, Impatiens and Lobelia. These are cleverly grouped together in themes to create an atmosphere that will make patrons feel a million miles away from home.
Summer Celebrate is a fanfare of red, white and blue trumpet-shaped flowers which will provide impact to any outside space, reminding us that the Great British spirit is alive and well.
Summer Blush uses a joyful selection of pinks and oranges for a burst of colour that will make you smile. They’ll warm up your terrace or patio even when the sun isn’t shining.
Summer Cocktail is a beach party in a basket! Interesting blooms, trailing foliage and Mediterranean colours will create that holiday vibe that your customers have been craving during the months of lockdown.
Summer Delight creates a more relaxing vibe with enchanting, delicate pastel blooms for those long, lazy days of lounging in our favourite beer garden.

Hooray For Helping Hands
Now that your business is re-opening, we want your patrons to continue to visit you for as long as possible, and you will have made many adjustments to your premises to ensure that they are COVID-safe. Strategically placed phs Greenleaf outdoor troughs and containers will complement the hanging baskets while acting as an attractive barrier that will remind customers to observe social distancing rules and direct them through one-way systems.
It’s not just phs Greenleaf foliage that’s green. Our MPS (More Profitable Sustainability) certified growers are committed to sustainable Corporate and Social Responsibility programmes, and we use biomass to turn green waste from the hanging baskets into energy, saving around 136 tons of CO2 in the process. These green efforts should be enough to tick some of the boxes on your company’s environmental and CSR supplier policies.
Installing over 26,000 hanging baskets annually is no mean feat but phs Greenleaf manages to do this with style, transforming the exterior of thousands of properties every year. For a completely hassle-free, picture-perfect beer garden, we’ll also maintain the displays and manage the watering system. And as autumn approaches, we can replace your summer plants with delightful winter displays that are more appropriate to the cooler weather. Now that you’ve invested in your pub’s outside space, you’ll want to make the most of it all year round.
Spread The Joy
Our diligent team will ensure that the joy of spring is all that we’ll spread when we visit your premises. While fully supporting our customers in their COVID-safe practices, we have also taken steps to protect all of our employees with regular reminders about social distancing and good hand hygiene.
Don’t stop at the outside. Being surrounded by nature and greenery has been proven to help people relax and reduce stress. During what is likely to be a busy and anxious return to work for many, the addition of a few plants around the interior of your pub, restaurant or office could provide that little boost to morale that your employees need.
It really is bloomin’ brilliant to be back and we look forward to serving all of our lovely customers, new and old, with plants throughout the year. Lockdown is nearly over so don’t waste any more time. Call phs Greenleaf today to find out how you can effortlessly spruce up your pub this spring.